Costings of all parts used in "ROBORANA"

Picaxe 28x1 starter pack                                                - $75.99
Motor Controller IC (L293D)                                           - $7.50
TSOP34838 Photdiode Ir Receiver x3                            - $10
Ir emitting diode x3                                                        - $7.50
Micellanous electrical parts-
                                           matrix board pins
                                           matrix board pin sockets
                                           insulated wire
                                           circuit board                        - $25
Tamiya Double Gearbox                                                 - $25
Tamiya Narrow Tyre Set                                                 - $10
Castor Wheel                                                                 - $3.5
Base                                                                              -  no cost
Metal cover and Bracket                                                 -  no cost

                                                                             TOTAL = $ 164.49